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We put inspiration into practice, finding viable solutions to complex challenges.

Great ideas are our starting point.

Research focus
March 10th, 2025

Seminars in Translational Science

We are looking forward to host our next guest speaker Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans Josef Neubauer from the University Hospital and Medical Faculty of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf!
January 20th, 2025

Seminars in Translational Science

We are happy to welcome Dr. Franziska Blaeschke from the KiTZ for a talk on “Modular Pooled Knockin Screens: Reprogramming Therapeutic T Cells” at TRON!
January 2nd, 2025

curATalk seminar series

Our first curATime speaker of the year will be Prof. Heinz Handels who is leading the Research Department “AI in Medical Image and Signal Processing” at the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) in Lübeck. He further holds the position of Director of the Institute of Medical Informatics at the University of Lübeck. With his talk about “AI in Medical Image Computing” he will give us and and our community interesting insights about the application of AI in medicine.
December 11th, 2024

The registration is now open: Join the “curAHack 2025” - the curATime (Bio-) Hackathon in Mainz

2.5 days of interdisciplinary hacking, problem solving and networking - March 31  - April 2, 2025, Gutenberg Digital Hub, Mainz
December 1st, 2024

Succesful cooperation with Israel is funded for another 3 years

Promising results of the first phase led to the decision of further funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Together with Prof. Yardena Samuels from the Weizmann Institute of Science, we investigate intratumoral heterogeneity in melanoma and select promising neoantigen candidates suitable for vaccine studies.
November 27th, 2024

curATalk seminar series

Join us for our next curATalk by Prof. Miguel Andrade who is heading the Computational Biology and Data Mining group at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. In his seminar, Miguel will talk about “Computational approaches for the prediction of gene and protein function”.

We are TRON

TRON is an independent non-profit translational research organization. We pursue new diagnostics and drugs for the treatment of diseases with high medical need. We apply our transdisciplinary competencies in genomics and immunology to develop novel platforms for the identification and validation of ‘omics’-based biomarkers, to modulate immune system components for use in personalized therapies. Collaborating with academia and industry, TRON executes research at the leading edge to support innovative drug design for human health.

Our new research building

Our new research building is currently under construction on the grounds of Mainz University Medical Center according to a concept by Nickl und Partner architects. This envisions a modern, light-flooded building with laboratory and office areas as well as communication zones with up to 10,800 m² of usable space, which will be integrated into the adjacent green areas and the listed Fichte settlement. As a result of intensive coordination with the city of Mainz and all parties involved, construction preparations have been initiated in record time.

Our Research Focus

TRON conducts collaborative research on disease genomics and therapeutic modulation of the immune system. Specializing in cancer immunology and genomics, our research teams develop tailored bioinformatic and novel biostatistical approaches to identify and characterize disease-relevant molecular targets. We design and improve cutting edge technologies for biomarker discovery and biopharmaceutical development, including platforms for immune-based therapies such as RNA vaccines and cellular therapies.

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